6/12 Days Of Blogmas: Winter Mental Health Check

6/12 Days Of Blogmas: Winter Mental Health Check
On to todays blog post I’m doing a winter mental health check. So I do a mental health check on my instagram every Monday. Mental health is so important to me. I always want my platforms to feel like a safe space to come to. By me opening up and sharing my journey I feel like it can help others to. So heres my 6/12 Days Of Blogmas: Winter Mental Health Check
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6/12 Days Of Blogmas: Winter Mental Health Check
Lets Catch Up
So I honestly can say that I am in a better place mentally than last year. Last year I was going through it. before I get into how I am this year I feel like I need to explain my situation this year. My friend past away in April and was grieving for most of the year. I’m doing better now but every once in a while the grief hits me. Around November last year I witnessed one of my student get assaulted on camera by their parent which messed me up. But the thing that broke me was when I realized my plans on moving out in January weren’t going to happen. I had hit a rock bottom. It was so bad.
Because I was already grieving everything felt so much worst. I felt like everything was piled up on top of me and there was so way out. There was nothing I could do to bring myself to do anything. I had finished my 12 days of Christmas and had blog posts planned out for the new year but couldn’t bring myself to write. This year I probably wrote only four blog posts before this 12 days of blogmas.
How I'm Doing Now
I have been up but mostly down for a lot of the year. But I finally have been doing better. I had to let go of the idea of me moving and honestly a lot of my goals so I could just function. I realized that I need to do the things that makes me happy so I leaned into my creativity more. Man has that paid off. I’ve gotten so many opportunities which I will talk about more my year in review blog post. My creativity has really helped me. Even when I felt like I wasn’t creating, like writing or streaming on Twitch, I was still painting and doing other creative things.
I stopped stressing about saving up money to move and started treating myself. Before I wasn’t not spending money on myself at all. I was just saving to me when in reality the money i was making would not have help me move in the first place. I would save and something would happen that would make me have to spend my savings. So I realized instead of penny pinching I need to enjoy what I have. I needed to take myself out and live my life.
I might not be where I want to me physically but I am in a much better place mentally. I’m so much happier that I started to focus myself. I’m back to focusing on my goals and planning out my blog posts again. I cant wait to see what the new year brings.
Thanks For Reading
I hope you ave enjoyed my winter mental health check. How have you been feeling? Let me know in the comments below!
I became interested in this post immediately I saw mental health. I think so many people need to make more posts about mental health, because so many others are ignorant of that aspect of our lives.
I’ve been thinking a lot about mental health, because someone I know has been diagnosed of a mental illness, and it is painful to think of them deteriorating mentally. But it’s all fine and good. I’m doing great, really. Merry Christmas.
Yeah mental health is definitely important. It’s why i like to talk about it so much. I really appreciate you sharing. I hope all is well with you. And Merry Christmas to you too!