8/12 Days Of Blogmas: Christmas With Long Distance Friends

8/12 Days Of Blogmas: Christmas With Long Distance Friends
Todays topic for my 12 days of blogmas is about how to celebrate Christmas with long distance friends. As we get older people move to different cities and things change. There are ways that you can still celebrate Christmas from a far so here’s my 8/12 Days Of Blogmas: Christmas With Long Distance Friends
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8/12 Days Of Blogmas: Christmas With Long Distance Friends
The reason why I decided to write this blog post is because of my friend Christina. These past few years has been rough after losing my friend Kyra and she really had been there for me. Last year, even before I had the idea to do a 12 days of Christmas she sent me a big box of clothes. She wanted to make sure I didn’t have to buy clothes to take for instagram and it was so many Christmas/winter outfits. If you look back at my posts from last year all of those clothes were from her.
Once I planned to do the 12 days of Christmas she helped me plan out a couple of posts and sent the gifts for me to use. She sent me a self care package and I was able to use it for my Self Care Gifts Under $15 post. I don’t even think I sent her anything back, I was so depressed and she knew that I needed some type of relief.
I did make up for it by sending her a self care package when she was going through it. But for this Christmas we both already sent each other our gifts. She again sent me stuff to use for my 12 days of blogmas and I sent her a box full of PR that I received.
Send Self Care Packages
You can do what my friend Christina and do and send each other care packages. I think that this is a cute idea, especially since you get gifts on Christmas anyway. This is just a nice way to show each other how much you care and I think its more thoughtful than a regular gift.
Pick Out Matching Pajama Sets
Picking our matching pajamas is such a fun thing to do. Its a way to still be connected to each other while being so far apart. Plus you guys can take individual pictures and photoshop each other to make it seem like you guys were together.
Watch A Christmas Movie Together
Now a days you do not need to be in the same room to watch a movie together anymore. There are so many ways you can watch movie with other people. You can host a watch party on Discord and I think some streaming services has an option to do a watch party as well. So, you have a Christmas movie marathon together.
Host An Online Christmas Party
Since the pandemic I have gone to so many Zoom meeting, events and parties. I think now there is no excuse to say you can’t do a group event with your friends that are far. You can definitely have a Christmas party online with your friends. Maybe you do a gift exchange and you open the presents on zoom or play some fun party games. There’s so many things to do!
Thanks For Reading
I hope you enjoyed my ideas of how to celebrate Christmas with long distance friends. What do you do with your friends to celebrate Christmas? Let me know in the comment down below.
These are very thoughtful tips. I’ll consider doing them next year with my long distance best friend.
Thank you! Its so important to cherish our long distance friends!