Physical Affects of Graves Disease

Physical Affects of Graves Disease Published November 18, 2021 Author: Claudie P 2 I have mentioned before that I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called Graves’ disease. I didn’t know how much being diagnosed with Graves had affected me physically until I started to feel like myself again. The funny thing is that every […]
Why I Haven’t Been to Therapy in a While

Why I Haven’t Been to Therapy in a While Published November 18, 2021 Author: Claudie P 2 I have always been an advocate for therapy. I’m a psychology major and even though I’m going into behavior analysis, I believe that everyone should go and that it can be beneficial to not only your mental but […]
Love Languages

Love Languages Published November 18, 2021 Author: Claudie P 2 Everyone wants love, but some don’t know how to. I thought that it would be beneficial for people to understand what love languages are and how you can use them in your life. Since I was in high school I’ve been interested in the topic […]
How To Take Care Of Your Mental Health

How To Take Care Of Your Mental Health Published November 18, 2021 Author: Claudie P 2 The past two years of my life have been rough. I’ve been living in a toxic environment and I’ve spent my time focusing on how to get out and not on my mental health. When I first left home […]
Orange Shrimp Recipe

Orange Shrimp Recipe Published November 18, 2021 Author: Claudie P 2 I love cooking and finding new recipes to make. A while ago I watched a Youtuber named Remi Ashten make orange chicken but I decided to make it my own twist to it. I’m Haitian so I prepare meat differently than other people. We […]