Best And Worst Things About The Holidays: Blogmas Day 2

Best And Worst Things About The Holidays: Blogmas Day 2
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The holiday season can be the best thing or the worst thing ever. If you read some of my past 12 days of Blogmas you would know that the holiday season used to be the worst for me and my family. I tried to make things better and kinda celebrate for myself. In this blog post I want to highlight the best and the worst things that might happen in general during the holiday season.
Worst Things About The Holidays
Family Problems
I mentioned before that I have a bit of a family problem and I know that I’m not the only one that has family issues. The holidays make it more tense than usual because people feel like they need to put this act together like everything is fine. Right now my sisters don’t talk to each other and it’s awkward. I feel like it’s the most divided my family has been in years. Me doing the 12 days is honestly the way that I’m celebrating Christmas this year.
Financial Issues
Having financial issues can be hard all year round but definitely worse during the holiday season. You want to be able to get your loved ones the gifts they deserve but if you can’t afford to, there is some guilt or stress about not being able to get everything.
Everywhere Is Busy
This is probably the most overwhelming time of year because everyone is out and about. People are trying to do their last minute Christmas shopping or trying to make it to holiday events. I went to a Christmas tree lighting event and there were so many people there that I felt so overwhelmed. It was so hard to find parking and the crowd was so huge.
Best Things About The Holidays
Celebrating With Your Loved Ones
Even though sometimes family stuff can be hard you can still spend time with them or with friends that feel like family. There is a chance that I will go see my best friend’s family during the holiday. My best friend Kyra unfortunately passed two years ago and her family has been my support system. So really hope I do get to see them this holiday season
Holiday Activiies
During the holiday season there are so many activities to do to keep you entertained. You can look at christmas lights, see a christmas play, or even go to a fair. I just found out that there is an annual Christmas boat parade in SWFL. I missed it this year but I definitely need to go next year.
Exchanging Gifts
This is obviously the best thing about the holidays. It’s so fun getting gifts from all of your loved ones. It’s even fun picking out the gifts for them as well. So far I got gifts for my sisters and I need to get some for my best friend’s son. I wonder what I’ll get this year though.
Thanks For Reading.
Thank you for reading the best and worst thing about the holiday season. Can you relate to any one these or that is your best and worst thing about the holidays? Let me know in the comments below!