Full Review of JVN Hair + Wash Day Routine

Full Review of JVN Hair + Wash Day Routine
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You wouldn’t believe the excitement I had when JVN Hair reached out to me. I didn’t think it was real at first. I’m so grateful for this opportunity so I wanted to do a full review of JVN Hair + wash day routine.
Before we get started I wanted to explain why it took me a while to review their products. They sent me their products in April and its the end of September now. So first is that I stopped blogging for over 7 months. Mentally I wasn’t in the right place. When I got the products I took before and after pictures and even film. Yes I was excited but I couldn’t bring myself to write. My second reason was I didn’t want to do my hair anymore, so I resorted to protective styles. I’ve had my hair in a protective style since June. Which is the longest I haven’t done my natural hair.
I just felt like I could give my full review. I don’t know why but my perfectionist brain thought the pictures and videos weren’t good enough but I remembered that JVN Hair slogan is “come as you are” and it was a good reminder to just post it. So here is the full review of JVN Hair + wash day routine.


Full Review of JVN Hair + Wash Day Routine

Use code “JVNClaudiePie” for 20% of your order at JVN Hair https://jvnhair.com
Pre Wash Scalp Oil
When I was asked to pick some products that I wanted, I was excited to pick the pre wash scalp oil. I already use oils as a pre-poo and I love when brands know the importance of including oils in a hair care routine. I usually leave a pre-poo oil in my hair overnight. The instructions say to use the oil 15 minutes before using. If you have thin hair or not a lot of build up 15 minutes is fine, but that is not going to work for me. Now if I decided last minute to wash my hair I will put the oil in my hair for 15 minutes, but I will sit under the dryer. I did follow the instructions the first time and I will continue to leave it overnight.
What I do is I put the oil on my scalp and ends. I detangle my hair which the oil helps with the process. Then I braid my hair in sections. I have thick coarse hair so this helps me throughout my wash day routine. After I braid my hair I cover it with a plastic cap, then secure it with a scarf and/or bonnet.
Nurture Hydrating Shampoo
I absolutely love this shampoo, it so smells amazing. It doesn’t get as sudsy as other shampoos but it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t get the job done. My scalp felt squeaky clean after using this. So when I got this I was changing up my shower routine. As a natural girl I tend to spend a lot of time in the shower detangling my hair and I got tired of it. I don’t shampoo in the shower anymore its just too much for me.
What I do is, after I let the pre-wash oils sit in my hair overnight I tip my head under the shower head then move my way to the sink. I unbraid a section, put a bit of shampoo on my scalp and work it in with my hands and or scalp massager. After I feel like it’s clean enough I twist that section and repeat until every section on my hair is shampooed. Then I go back to tip my hair under the shower head, since my hair is in twists it will unravel but that is okay for me because I want to make sure all of the shampoo is completely out.
Nurture Hydrating Conditioner
Before I get to reviewing the conditioner I want to say that I was a bit heavy handed with how much product I was using. I’m not gonna lie, I used the majority of the conditioner in two uses. I feel like every natural girl runs through conditioner, we always finish it way before the shampoo. When you have natural hair the conditioner is used to detangle your curls, so you need moisture to help. What I should’ve done was instead of adding more conditioner, I should’ve added more water.
I was very impressed with how easy it felt to detangle my hair. The detangling brush went through my hair so easily. To me the conditioner has the right amount of slip I needed. Again the conditioner smelled it since it was similar to the shampoo. I loved it.
The process for conditioner is similar to how I shampoo by working in sections. I would grab a section and put the conditioner on my hair but I would avoid the roots. Then I would detangle my hair and braid it back up. I continue the process until my entire head is braided. Now I would get into the shower to rinse my hair and wash my body. The reason why I leave my hair in the braids this time is that when I rinse I want some of the conditioner to stay in my hair to keep it soft.
Complete Air Dry Cream
Okay, so this is the only product that I’ve been gifted that I haven’t used yet. I was unsure if I wanted to talk about it because of that, but why not include it. This was product was actually included in the second gift I received from JVN Hair and the main reason I haven’t tried it is because my hair is still in a protective style. I can definitely see this being added to my routine, especially since I do try to air dry my hair So instead of a review I’m going to talk about how I plan on using it.
After I get out of the shower and towel dry my hair I sometimes put shea butter in my hair and braid it depending on what style I have planned. I use shea butter when I want to do a stretched out/puffy look instead of tight curls. So, I plan on using the air dry cream instead of shea butter. When I take out my protective style I will leave an update on how it goes.
Complete Conditioning Mist
Now the conditioning mist is a game changer. I felt like this brought my week old style back to life. I usually wash my hair once a week but I was able to make my style last for two weeks with this. This can be used as a detangler as well. When it time to wash again I use this to detangle my hair so I can oil my scalp with the pre wash scalp oil.
Do I Recommend This Brand
Absolutely! How I know that JVN Hair has good products is that my mom steals it from me to use. When I got my second package from JVN Hair, I just gave it to her and ordered my own shampoo and conditioner. Not only is the products good, its vegan and eco friendly. The products are packaged in glass or aluminum, which is great for recycling.
Fun Fact
I was invited to a Google Teams meeting with Jonathan Van Ness and other members of the JVN Hair community to discuss the products and I loved how informed Johnathan was of the ingredients of each product. I mean of course I know that Jonathan’s a hairstylist but you can tell that they are passionate about the products. Plus, the bubbly personality that Johnathan has on T.V was the same at the meeting. I appreciated that so much.
Thanks For Reading
Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed the full review of JVN Hair + wash day routine. Let me know in the comment have you heard of JVN Hair before and are you thinking of trying it?
Their products sound amazing!! Keep up the great work
Thank you. Yeah JVN hair is the best! 💗