How To Balance Your Work-Life & Content Creation

How To Balance Your Work-Life & Content Creation
As a small content creator it is more than likely you have a part-time/full-time job to finance your dreams. It can be hard to balance both and definitely can be overwhelming. Over the summer I had a break from work and now that summer is coming to an end, I am getting back to it. Now I have to get back into a schedule and I want to give you some tips on how to balance your work-life & content creation.
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How To Balance Your Work-Life & Content Creation
I haven’t been blogging for a bit and I want to explain what has been going on. Whenever I come back I feel like I say I never expected to take a break and I really do mean it. So I just want to explain before I get into all the things I have planned for summer. There are so many goals I have for this summer that I want to tell you and I feel like if I have it written down it will happen. So let me get into my life update & summer goals
Wake Up Earlier/Stay Up Later
To be able to do both content creation and work you have to sacrifice something and it’s probably your sleeping time. For me sleep is so important since I know I naturally wake up early. I’m willing to wake up a little earlier to get things done. I however will not stay up late to work on things. I wake up at 6:00 am so that I can get some content done or schedule a post for the day.
Make A Schedule/To Do List
To be productive you have to make a schedule to do all the things you want. It has to be a realistic schedule so that you can actually achieve the goals you want for the day and not overwhelm you. Over the summer since I wasn’t working I let go of my schedule and I honestly wished I didn’t because it kept me so organized.
Let me tell you what my schedule is when I’m working
- Get up – 6:00 am
- Complete mundane task(scheduling posts, writing mental health check, catch up on emails, editing) 6:15
- Go on my morning walk or do yoga – 8:00 am
- Make smoothie/eat breakfast – 8:30 am
- Shower/get ready for work – 9:00 am
- Start work – 10:00 am (In between sessions or a student no show I’m completing tasks)
- Lunch – 2:00 pm(replying to comments while eating)
- Finish work/plan what I need to get done for the next day 8:00 pm
- Decompress/night routine 8:30 pm
- Sleep 10:00 pm
Plan Out Content Ahead Of Time:
If you want to get something done you have to plan it out ahead of time. For example right now I’m in the beginning stages of planning out my 12 days of Christmas. I know that it’s something that is very important to me so I have to plan ahead. I don’t want the same thing that happen the first two years where I was writing blog posts the day of(kind of what I’m doing right now… oops). It was so stressful. So I’m planning ahead of that plus the blog posts that I need to get done before the 12 days. Right now my goal is instead of going back to uploading blog posts once a week I will upload every other week. The week that I don’t post the blog I will be writing at least one post for the 12 days of Christmas.
Bulk Shoot Your Content
Whenever I plan out a shoot day I try to make sure I take pictures and videos of at least three outfits. It helps me so much because that is about 6 days of content for me maybe more if I consider behind the scenes content. I might take pictures for a couple of days but the content would last about a month so when I am working I don’t have to think about what content I need. I just have to focus on actually posting. As of right now I haven’t taking any picture in over a week and I have content for the month. The only reason I have to take pictures this weekend is that I have some content to shoot for brands.
Schedule Your Posts
This is something that I need to do again to help make things easier. I used to schedule my posts on Planoly but at the time I could only schedule a single post and I rarely post single posts anymore. Now you can schedule posts on Instagram and I have been testing it out and I like it. Scheduling posts can really be helpful when you post on multiple platforms as well. For example I post on Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube shorts and tiktok. That’s a lot. My goal is to schedule instagram and pinterest posts in the morning before work and while I do that upload and save the shorts and Tiktoks as drafts and just hit upload when it’s time to.
Make content as you are living your life
This is another tip that I’m trying to get better at but I think it’s because I’m not going out as much as I should. Anyway, let’s say you are going on a date, film a get ready with me. If you’re going to the beach with friends, film your experience there. Let’s say you have a bunch of random content that doesn’t necessarily make sense, you can turn it into a monthly dump so that it does. I recent went to an elevated social event and I decided to film and absolutely love it and you can check it out here!
Connect With Other Creators To Help With Content
I think connecting with other content creators is a great way to get help with content. You can feed off ideas from each other or help with actually creating content. This summer I had a goal to connect with more creative friends and it’s the best thing I’ve done. I took pictures with the brand Always Dope Clothing and I loved how fast they were. As one girl is changing they are taking pictures of someone else. It was so efficient.
Outsourse Help/Get An Assistent
Content creation can be hard on your own and you might need help with the mundane tasks so you can focus on content creation. I know that I will eventually need an assistant to help me out because it is getting a lot but I can’t afford that right now. If you can afford to outsource I suggest you should take things off your plate
Don’t Let Others Tell You That You’re Doing Too Much
When you have goals or love what you do you will work hard for it. To others it might seem like a lot or that you should slow down but don’t listen to that. Of course you should take breaks when you need them. You shouldn’t feel too overwhelmed when you’re creating. However, you know your limits and should take breaks when you need to.
Thanks For Reading.
Thank you for checking out my tips of how to manage your work life and content creation. What is your favorite tip from this list? Let me know in the comments down below and good luck creating content!