6 Swimsuits You Should Try
This is the swimsuit edition of my lookbook series and I’m excited. I love swimsuits and I keep on buying more because I didn’t feel like I had enough. Mind you, I knew I was not going anywhere to wear these out. I just needed them. I do have some swimsuits that I have had before I got these but they are old and some of them aren’t even matching sets. I don’t know why I had a phase of buying mix-match swimsuit pieces, but I did and I’m ashamed of it. Almost all of these swimsuits are from Shein except the neon green one. It’s from Marshalls. I usually like stores that let you buy the top and bottom separately because I wear a large top and small bottom but since I couldn’t most of these pieces are mediums. I’m surprised and happy that they fit. I hope you enjoy these looks as much as I do. I know that most of you saw some of these looks on my Instagram but I did leave a few that were just for the blog.

Neon Green

Black Bikini

Snake Skin

Blue Bikini